Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Weekend Trip to Macon

Alex and I went to Macon over the weekend to keep Anna while John, Lauren, and Katherine went out of town for a friend's wedding. We had so much fun! We started out opening presents that we brought for her! She got bubbles, sugar cookies, color wonder paint and paper, a gumball machine, Elmo panties, & bracelets (yes, we spoil her)! We played outside, painted pictures, colored, baked cookies, watched movies, and even went to Target to buy her a new movie (she picked out Toy Story). We love going to Macon to see the girls! We can't wait to go back soon! Here are some pictures to show what we did over the weekend...

Anna opening her gumball machine since she said Alex and I ate all of her gumballs at the beach!

The best invention ever=Color Wonder paint! It's clear paint and it only works on Color Wonder paper. It turns from clear to a color when you put it on the paper.

Opening sugar cookie mix!

Chasing bubbles Uncle Alex was blowing.

She blew a really big one!

Her favorite present! Painting with her Color Wonder paint!

Talking to Mommy on the phone.

Saying "Cheese" for the camera!

Riding her tricycle.

Just hanging out on the front porch!

Baking sugar cookies with pink sprinkles!

Playing her guitar for us and singing!

Look who showed up on Sunday! :)

Alex's New Truck

Alex finally got a new truck! It's a 2008 4-door pewter GMC. I love it! It's a nice truck. He desperately needed it. Here are some pictures!

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Fun Week at the Beach!

Alex and I went to the beach last week for the 4th. We drove down to Garden City Sunday night on the 4th after I got off work. Alex's parents and his step-brother, Ryan, were already there. When we arrived, we went straight to the beach to watch the fireworks along the shoreline. It was amazing! There were fireworks everywhere down both ends of the beach! I wish I would have took my camera and snapped some pictures of that amazing fireworks show! Lauren, John, Anna, and Katherine came down Monday evening. We had the best time, especially with Anna and Katherine! We don't get to see them too often since they live in Georgia, so Alex and I enjoy spending time with them whenever we can. We swam in the pool, went to the beach, grilled out, went shopping, and of course went to Painter's for some ice cream! I wasn't ready to go home! Alex and I can't wait until Friday when we'll get to see the girls again. We are driving down to Macon to keep the girls for the weekend while Lauren & John are going to a friend's wedding. We are going to have so much fun! We even get to go to Zoo Atlanta on Sunday! I'll keep everyone posted how it goes. And of course we'll take lots of pictures! Here are some pictures from our beach trip...

Swimming with little monkey!

Anna and her "nu-nu."

She's a little fish!

Ezzy, Mezzy, and Anna in the pool

Alex and John racing in the pool

Alex helping Anna "fwim."

Happy Baby!


Say Cheese!


Playing on the beach!

Pretty girl!

Family picture at the beach 2010